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Books Recommended for Database Development

      t Professional Access 2013 Programming  t
by Teresa Hennig, Ben Clothier, George Hepworth, Doug Yudovich !!!!!
Order our Access 2013 book from Wiley
ll   BOOK SIGNING -- Professional Access 2013 Programming!! ll
The books are HERE! … 8 Winners received signed copies at the meeting ;~S  You can also request your signed copy from Teresa or check out the book at:
            Excerpt from announcement
“This was truly an MVP achievement!!!  We must have set a record for the number of Access MVPs on a book team -- including many of you. As more people were recruited to ensure the caliber and content, I created new roles and convinced the publisher they are such an integral part of this team that they should ALL have their bios in the book!   You’ve GOT TO check them out!!!  Here’s the team … do you recognize everyone???
              An excerpt from the Intro:
Written by a team of Microsoft Access MVPs, this book leverages our expertise and passion for Access. In expanding the reach of Access, we incorporated the knowledge and experience of over a dozen experts to consult, test, and provide examples working with SharePoint, SQL Server, .NET, and web development. And to make sure that we could provide a model for a robust business solution, we worked closely with the Microsoft Access team to be at the forefront of defining, testing, and implementing the new features for Access 2013 web apps.

Access 2010 Programmer's Reference
By Teresa Hennig, Rob Cooper, Geoffrey Griffith and Jerry Dennison, contributors and editors, Armen Stein, Jeff Boyce, Albert Kallal, Doug Yudovich, Ben Clothier. Tips contributed from our esteemed colleagues Dane Miller, Garry Robinson, Steve Schapel, and Larry Strange.

Contact Teresa for a signed copy -- or order from Amazon with Teresa’s link.

Limited Time Offer for a Free Chapter
Chapter 7, Using VBA in Access
(provided by Wiley Publishing, who retains the copyrights for this work.)

EARLY REVIEW: "I have to say that you have surpassed yourself with the Access Programmer's Reference this time.  Very, very nice.  I usually use books like that for reference, to look up stuff when I have a question, but in this case I have literally been reading it in large chunks and finding it hard to put down. Especially the new Access 2010 functionality, I have already learned heaps.
So thanks a lot for that, I just wanted to let you know that I am mighty impressed with this one. :-) "  
Steve Schapel, Access MVP

NEW BOOK on Database Design Structure!
Microsoft Access Small Business Solutions: State-of-the-Art Database Models for Sales, Marketing, Customer Management, and More Key Business Activities
Written by an unparalleled  team of Access MVPs-
Co Authors:   Teresa Hennig, Truitt Bradly,
Larry Linson, Leigh Purvis and Brent Spaulding
Contributors and Tech Editors:  Jerry Dennison, George Hepworth and Doug Yudovich;

Tech Editors:  Arvin Meyer and Armen Stein

Learn how to design properly normalized database models for dozens of business applications. The companion CD contains 31 database models!

Limited Time Offer for a Free Chapter

Chapter 4, People, Organizations, Addresses   
(provided by Wiley Publishing, who retains the copyrights for this work.)

 Access 2007 VBA Programmer's Reference

Access 2007 VBA Programmer's Reference,
by Teresa Hennig, Rob Cooper
Geoff Griffith, Armen Stein

Order NOW from Amazon

"This book has extensive coverage of an area vital to Access developers and power users. ... Then the book covers VBA from the basics to in-depth advanced levels. It is a worthy successor to the Access 2003 VBA Programmer's Reference and, in my opinion, "raises the bar" for VBA books."
Larry Linson
Microsoft Office Access MVP

 RibbonX Customizing the Office 2007 Ribbon

RibbonX Customizing the Office 2007 Ribbon
by Robert Martim, Ken Puls and Teresa Hennig

         Order NOW from Amazon


From the fundamentals through complete examples for Access, Excel and Word, this book provides the information and walks you through the steps to customize and create Ribbons in all three programs.

Limited Time Offer for a Free Chapter
Chapter 17 - Security in Microsoft Office

(Provided by Wiley Publishing, who retains the copyrights for this work.)
Although written primarily for 2007, most aspects apply to 2010 and several areas are applicable to Office 97 through 2003.

In the words of our readers:

I love your books. I have them all.
RibbonX 2007 helped me creating stunning ribbons for my Access applications.
Mudhafar   July 2010

   *     *      *      *      *     *      *      *      *     *      *      *

Everything about the Ribbon is new; all serious developers will need, and many others will want, to know how to customize it, and this book tells you how to do it. The authors have done a splendid job of explaining it all without assuming any prior knowledge, guiding the reader through the jungle of VBA and XML in three different applications. It is a huge subject and different people will want different things from it; the book is packed (but not cluttered) with clear cross-references so that you don't have to read everything to get up and running with the particular thing you want to do. No matter what your ability or experience you will learn from this book, I already have. As computer books go, it's better than most, it's cheap, and worth far more: buy it!

Tony J.    January 2008

 Access 2003VBA Programmer's Reference!

Access 2003 VBA Programmer's Reference, By  Patricia Cardoza, Teresa Hennig, Graham Seach and Armen Stein with contributions from local developers, Randall Weers, Brian Sockey and Sam Radakovitz.

$39.99--  $26.39  931 pages

Click book to see at

What an adventure! As the Coordinating Lead Author, I was privileged to create a team of four co-authors and bring in the talent of some wonderful local developers as contributors. Readers benefit from the wealth of expertise and a variety of perspectives.

"...This book is clear, concise, approachable and above all, easy to understand. ..... At the very least, you should add this book to your library of Access books, especially next to the ones by John Viescas and Cary Prague. ..."   Michael. J. Hernandez

Book Recommended for Database Design

Database Design for Mere Mortals : A Hands-On Guide to Relational Database Design, New Second Edition
by Michael J. Hernandez

$34.99 -- 672 pages

Click book to see at

If you follow the explanations in this book, you are going to fully understand how relational databases work. If you follow the methods described in this book, you are going to have the best designed databases. Easy to read and easy to follow. A must have book.

Michael is a frequent dynamic speaker at Seattle User Groups

Book Recommended for Fine-Tuning Access

Jet Database Engine Programmer's Guide
by Dan Haught and Jim Furguson

$4.00 or so used, $7.95 or so new -- 650 pages

 Click book to see at (special -- out of print)

A CD-ROM/book reference outlining techniques for using Jet and comparing it to other database applications. Chapters cover data management, performance and security, developing client/server applications, and working with other applications, and demonstrate points with an ongoing sample Visual Basic program. The accompanying CD-ROM contains code examples and sample files, technical articles, and the DAO Software Development Kit. For programmers familiar with a procedural language, relational databases and queries, and SQL.

Complete guidance, including examples, for using the powerful database engine used in Microsoft Access, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Visual Basic(r), Microsoft Visual C++(r), and Microsoft Office 97, Developer Edition. It shows how to reuse code in many products and how to combine products into custom database applications. The accompanying CD-ROM contains all of the book's code samples, useful tools, and utilities.

Book Recommended for Access with SQL Server

SQL: Access to SQl Server
by Susan Harkins and Martin Reid

$34.97 -- 800 pages

 Click book to see at

This is the first book of its kind! Microsoft Access uses a specific dialect of SQL known as Jet SQL to communicate with the Jet Engine. This book shows you how to talk directly to the Jet, bypassing the query design window. Why would you want to? You can't really take advantage of all the Jet has to offer until you can speak its language. The first part teaches you the rules and syntax you'll need to master to talk Jet SQL. The second and third sections show you how to upside an Access database to an Access Project and discusses some of the changes the Access Developer will face when working with SQL Server, including Stored Procedures, Functions, and Views. These sections are full of helpful hints and warnings. Understanding Jet SQL opens new possibilities to more efficient solutions that are easier to build than conventional methods allow -- once you know the language.

Book Recommended for Access with SQL Server

Microsoft Access Developer's Guide to SQL Server
by Mary Chipman and Andy Baron

$29.77 -- 864 pages

 Click book to see at

A guide for Access power users and developers who are ready to build database applications with SQL Server. Coverage includes converting an Access database to SQL Server, SQL Server fundamentals, SQL Server security, and linking to SQL Server using Access databases. Other subjects are Active X Objects, designing and creating an SQL Server database, programming effective stored procedures, architecture distributed n-tier applications, and deployment, tuning, and maintenance. Chipman and Baron are consultants in the private sector.

Microsoft Access 2000 Developer's Guide to Microsoft SQL Server provides much needed information and guidance for the Access power user or developer who wants to exploit the power of SQL Server. Written by Access experts and Microsoft MVPs Mary Chipman and Andy Baron, this hands-on guide provides you with the practical knowledge you need to harness the enterprise-level power and scalability SQL Server offers, while using the Access tools you are familiar with.

Copyright© Seattle Access and Data Dynamics Northwest 2001- 2010 
Hosted and Maintained by Teresa Hennig, Access MVP ;-)